Download Candle

Run this disk image on your Raspberry Pi



Candle 2.0.2 (64 bit, 1.14Gb)
‌30 jan 2023
‌MD5 Checksum: f640cb4601bff402f9169d97b977b47a



Candle 2.0.1 (32 Bit, 1.45Gb)
‌5 sept 2022
‌‌MD5 Checksum: 45ffb11b3fcaf6c0b67e8a207282e8b9

Source code

We use a website called Github to house most of our source code. You can build the Candle Controller from scratch if you prefer to do so.

‌The Candle controller is based on the Webthings Gateway, an open source smart home controller that was originally developed by Mozilla, and is now overseen by the Trellian company. We build on their wonderful work, but are not affiliated with them. 

‌Additionally, we've created an overview other open source projects that we build on.