Visit the exhibit at Spring House
Currently you can visit the Candle exhibit in Amsterdam. It's located at Spring House, a "club house for radical innovators".
It's open between 10am and 17h on weekdays, and can be found on the first floor, just up the stairs. The address is De Ruyterkade 128, Amsterdam. It's right next to Central Station.
Have fun trying out the voice commands, but please don't set alarm for random moments during the day. If you're done playing, you can always say something like "Hey Snips, remove all alarms" or "Hey Snips, remove all timers" to remove any timers you may have set.

The exhibit was opened during the same party that celebrated the 4 years existence of Spring House. During this even we also organised a walk-in Candle workshop in which participants created their own devices, and we discussed the 'subtle art of living together'.
Pictures used with permission
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